Saturday, September 27, 2008

Todd and Lolita's little ladies

This is one of my very dearest friends and her beautiful family. We had so much fun
but most of all I think the camera did an excellent job of documenting each child's

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Surf on into Kindergarten

As my father would say, today my oldest daughter started her first day of Kindergarbage... oh where does the time go? I think today was harder for mommy and daddy then for the girls starting back to school. My youngest, who has only been to preschool once... said goodbye , no problem... she commented "mommy pick me up later, ok?" And my older one waved to mom and dad as we drove by her playground for the fifth time trying to spy on her. Today was a very special day!

stammer photos

New Hardback Books

Here is a sneak peek of these amazing hardback books I will be offering my clients. I have included the first and last page of one I made of my youngest daughter Peyton. Books are available in 5 x 5 and 7 x 7 the include 20 pages. One month turn around time on all books. I am so proud of these.