Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Baby Andrew my newest neAndrewphew

This is my newest little nephew.  Brother to James.  It was my pleasure to capture this cutie pie.  
Mommy and I had pretty much given up on photographing Little Andrew tonight because he would NOT go to sleep.  Rather than fight him we surrendered & decided to reschedule for another time.  My car was loaded and as I went to say my "goodbyes."  Mommy, Ami, noted Andrew had FINALLY fallen asleep.  I ran out to the car unloaded my goods and began to shoot away.  These are so precious.  We tried haystacks, bowls, a wagon.  Andrew didn't like any of our choices.  His final destination was swaddled on the kitchen table.  Hee hee!  Who would have thought??  I LOVE my newest nephew.  Babies are GREAT (even if they don't sleep through the night!)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Boys will be Boys

More from Gettha Funk Out Workshop


Gettha Funk Out Workshop on Balboa Pennisula

My girls got to be models to 20 FABULOUS photographers from all over the United States this past Saturday. Aspiring women photographers had flown in from all over to learn from a very special group of photog's @ a workshop titled Gettha Funk Out! Great name... huh?  Anyways I got to shoot over the shoulders of many of these amazing photographer's ... Here are some of my favorites!  I know you all probably get sick of me posting photos of "my Kiddos" but  I can't help it.  It's the whole reason I started in this AMAZING business. I LOVE CAPTURING kids being kids!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day at the Balboa Bay Club

Today...and much of the weekend was spent with good friends and family.  Soaking up rays and sitting poolside.  I LOVE where we live and the friends that we have.  Look how cute all these kids are...7 kids Ranging in age from 3 to 6...They don't know how good they have it


Photos taken by a five year old:)

Monarch Butteflies at the Saint Regis Hotel

For me Labor Day weekend symbolizes so many things.  1) the end of summer and time to return to school 2) a family time to hang out together as a family and go to the beach...just be together.3) I think BBQ's and ice cream cones.  This year Matt, my eldest daughter who is 6, went to the UCLA football game and our youngest and I went to the St. Regis to watch the release of the Monarch Butterfly.  These are simple photos of children discovery and learning.  The simple reason I love teaching.  Another summer passed by... another year of teaching under my belt