Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Baby Andrew my newest neAndrewphew

This is my newest little nephew.  Brother to James.  It was my pleasure to capture this cutie pie.  
Mommy and I had pretty much given up on photographing Little Andrew tonight because he would NOT go to sleep.  Rather than fight him we surrendered & decided to reschedule for another time.  My car was loaded and as I went to say my "goodbyes."  Mommy, Ami, noted Andrew had FINALLY fallen asleep.  I ran out to the car unloaded my goods and began to shoot away.  These are so precious.  We tried haystacks, bowls, a wagon.  Andrew didn't like any of our choices.  His final destination was swaddled on the kitchen table.  Hee hee!  Who would have thought??  I LOVE my newest nephew.  Babies are GREAT (even if they don't sleep through the night!)

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