Tuesday, December 30, 2008

L and S

I have know these twins since the first day they were born. In know their parents.. I just have a new found respect for parents of twins. Never being able to hold just one without the other being jealous. Double of everything... double car seats, double bottles and formula, two high chairs, 2 car seat, 2 weddings and 2 college tuitions:) However now that they are 6 the sir is beginning to clear and times are easier. It's my pleasure to photograph these beautiful girls!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holidays and my family

As I mentioned below all that I LOVE... my family being #1. It's nice to post updated photos of my brothers... healthy and happy ! What a crazy year it has been! My youngest brother Broc as many of you know put our family through some VERY DIFFICULT TIMES. However it has made us all stronger and most greatful for our holiday together. This photo although far from perfect. Best represents my family. Not perfect but together. There for one another. Holding each other up in thick and thin of things. We have an amazing bond and for that I am MOST thankful and appreciative! I love you all and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Things I love!

My kids love Christmas and opening and receiving presents but now I wanted to take a moment and list all the things that I love.. Feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you love.
1) My family
2) Vacations to relaxing places
3) Adventurous vacations
4) Being a mother and wife
5) Being a teacher
6) Living on Broadway
7) photography
8) Being an aunt
9) Having my Whole family excapt my grandmother within 45 minutes of me
10) shrimp
11) Benihana's
12) A's restaraunt
13) Vodka soda with 3 lemons
14) Mojito's with Vodka (Grey Goose preferably)
15) learning new things
16) My Imac
17) My I phone
18) Playing board games
19) Shopping
20) Us Weekly
21) Summer vacation
22) Pay day
23) Being pampered
24) 5star resorts
25) Entertaining
26) Silver Oak
27) My girlfriends
28) to laugh
29) To not take life too seriously
30) Life

Thursday, December 11, 2008

CHOC train at Irvine park

This is the second year I've beenable to experience this wonderful event for kids. Ride the train out into the forest.. meet Santa, drink hot cocoa, and popcorn. This year there was a short line and just a lot of fun. The kids loved it and the mommies too. I can't believe it's Christmas already:) Happy holidays. 6 days til Winter Break then I'll be off for 2 weeks. I can not wait