Saturday, February 28, 2009

Crystal Cove on a beautiful Winter Day

This was so much fun. It was such a clear day you could see all the way to Catalina Island. On days like this... I realize this is why I choose to live in Southern Ca. This is why I work so hard to live in a "small" home near the beach. Days like this make me thankful for all that I have. Its February I am not in the Midwest shoveling snow up to my ears, bundling up my kids in "Winter Gear" every time I want to leave home. I am barefoot on the beach photographing family and kids... This is what life is all about for me. I love this job!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Susan's Bangle Party

This is an amazing friend and neighbor who is UNBELIEVABLY talented in jewelry design. Each piece is handmade and has that worn look about it. Each piece I own looks as though it has been in my family for generations. They are timeless items and I treasure each piece of her jewelry. Contact Susan at 949-500-8922

Ms."O's" 2nd Birthday

This family had 2 things to celebrate at their daughters birthday party this year. 1) their adorable daughter turning 2. 2) Inside the Pinata this year was the Doctor's annoucement of whether it was a boy or girl. And guess what. It's a BOY! YIPEE! I couldn't be happier for them.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pronto Wash

This week a friend/neighbor asked me to photograph his up and coming business... called Pronto Wash. For all you enviromentally friendly people this maybe the business for you. The system runs on a glass of water. Just purchase and you're all set to go. I had a great time learning so many things from Jim. I wish him all the best with this business endeavor.